The mystery of edwin drood
By: Rupert Holmes
Role: A2
Conservatory Theatre Company
Venue: PNC Theater, Pittsburgh Playhouse, Point Park University
Pittsburgh, PA
Director: Zeva Barzell
Technical Director: Patrick Costello
Stage Manager: Caroline Inches
Production Team:
Music Director: James Cunningham
Costume Designer: Michael Montgomery
Sound Designer: Alex Berg
Lighting Designer: Madelyn Miessmer
job description
Setup of all microphones with elements and receivers. Built two different types of rigs based on the Sound Designer, Alex Berg’s, discretion. Built hair rigs for underneath wigs and built custom-fitted ear rigs for cheek placements.
Managed actor microphones, band microphones, onstage and offstage monitors and speakers, and sound equipment within the pit.
Monitored all mics during the performances, making repairs and troubleshooting issues as they appeared,
learned skills
Custom-fitting and rig building for microphone elements
Troubleshooting and problem-solving within high-stress environments
Pit equipment management
DANTE patching and LV 2 certification